Computer Networking Essentials (Cisco Press Core Series)
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Categories: Computer networks. Contributors: Debra Littlejohn Shinder - Author. Format: Hardcover
n essential guide to understanding networking theory, implementation, and interoperability Excellent preparation for generic or vendor-specific networking certification programsWritten in a user-friendly manner accessible to readers who may need an introduction to networking termsIntroduction to two popular real-world networking models: the Department of Defense (DoD) model and the Open System Interconnection (OSI) modelIncludes latest technologies such as laser, infrared, and satellite/ microwave communicationsCoverage of common server operating systems, including Windows NT(r), Windows(r) 2000, NetWare, UNIX, and LinuxSecurity coverage provides basic cryptography concepts, public and private key encryption, firewalls and proxies, and interna Computer Networking Essentials new edition
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Categories: Computer networks. Contributors: Debra Littlejohn Shinder - Author. Format: Hardcover
Computer Networking Essentials, ISBN-13: 9781587130380, ISBN-10: 1587130386
Computer Networking Essentials (Cisco Press Core Series) ISBN :9781587130380 Title :Computer Networking Essentials (Cisco Press Core Series)Authors :Shinder, Debra Littlejohn Binding :Hardcover Publisher :Cisco Press Publication Date :Edition :Condition :Used - Acceptable About Goodwill BridgePointe Services Inc. Our company is dedicated to providing you with the best quality, lowest cost products on eBay. Payment We accept PayPal for all eBay orders. Please see payment details below. Shipping
Cisco Press 2001. Hardcover. Computer Communications & Networking
Computer Networking Essentials Textbook
essential guide to understanding networking theory, implementation, and interoperability Excellent preparation for generic or vendor-specific networking certification programsWritten in a user-friendly manner accessible to readers who may need an introduction to networking termsIntroduction to two popular real-world networking models: the Department of Defense (DoD) model and the Open System Interconnection (OSI) modelIncludes latest technologies such as laser, infrared, and satellite/ microwave communicationsCoverage of common server operating systems, including Windows NT(r), Windows(r) 2000, NetWare, UNIX, and LinuxSecurity coverage provides basic cryptography concepts, public and private key encryption, firewalls and proxies, and interna