Management Science: The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets
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The main objective of the ICITMS 2012 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academics and industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Information Technology and Management Science. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.
Management Science new edition
Download free books for Realising Systems Thinking: Knowledge and Action in Management Science (Paperback)
This book deals with the contribution of a systems approach to a range of disciplines from philosophy and biology to social theory and management. It weaves together material from some of the pre-eminent thinkers of the day. In doing so it creates a coherent path from fundamental work on philosophical issues of ontology and epistemology through specific domains of knowledge about the nature of information and meaning, human communication, and social intervention.
Categories: Management science->Computer simulation, Management science->Mathematical models, Management science->Computer simulation. Contributors: Wayne L. Winston - Author. Format: NOOK Study
Categories: Management science. Contributors: Taylor - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Management science, Decision making->Simulation methods. Contributors: Michael Pidd - Author. Format: Paperback
Management Science Textbook