Hacking the Code: ASP.NET Web Application Security
Hacker Code will have over 400 pages of dedicated exploit, vulnerability, and tool code with corresponding instruction. Get and download textbook Hacking the Code: ASP.NET Web Application Security for free
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Unlike other security and programming books that dedicate hundreds of pages to architecture and theory based flaws and exploits, HC1 will dive right into deep code analysis. Previously undisclosed security research in combination with superior programming techniques from Foundstone and other respected organizations will be included in both the Local and Remote Code sections of the book.
The book will be accompanied with a FREE COMPANION CD containing both commented and uncommented versions of the source code examples presented throughout the book. In addition to the book source code, the CD will also contain a copy Hacking the Code new edition
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Hacking the Code: ASP.NET Web Application Security: Mark Burnett
Unlike other security and programming books that dedicate hundreds of pages to architecture and theory-based flaws and exploits, "Hacking the Code" dives right into deep code analysis, security tool creation, and software testing.
A security consultant specializing in securing Windows-based IIS Web servers, Burnett walks developers of network application software through the slings and arrows awaiting their code in the real cyberworld, and suggests countermoves. Among his topics are managing users, managing sessions, encrypting private data, filtering user input, accessing data, and securing XML. He does not provide an bibliography. Distributed by O'Reilly. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
A security consultant specializing in securing Windows-based IIS Web servers, Burnett walks developers of network application software through the slings and arrows awaiting their code in the real cyberworld, and suggests countermoves. Among his topics are managing users, managing sessions, encrypting private data, filtering user input, accessing data, and securing XML. He does not provide an bibliography. Distributed by O'Reilly. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Hacking the Code Textbook
In addition to the book source code, the CD will also contain a copy