Business Intelligence in Microsoft SharePoint 2013
Dive into the business intelligence features in SharePoint 2013-and use the right combination of tools to deliver compelling solutions. Get and download textbook Business Intelligence in Microsoft SharePoint 2013 for free
Contributors: Norman P. Warren - Author. Format: NOOK Book
Take control of business intelligence (BI) with the tools offered by SharePoint 2013 and Microsoft SQL ServerA 2012. Led by a group of BI and SharePoint experts, you'll get step-by-step instructions for understanding how to use these technologies best in specific BI scenarios-whether you're a SharePoint administrator, SQL Server developer, or business analyst. Discover how to:Manage the entire BI lifecycle, from determining key performance indicators to building dashboards
Use web-based Microsoft ExcelA services and publish workbooks on a SharePoint Server Mash up data from multiple sources and create D Business Intelligence in Microsoft SharePoint 2013 new edition
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Buy Business Intelligence in Microsoft SharePoint 2013 by Ivan Sanders,Mariano Teixeira Neto,Norman P. Warren,Scott A. Helmers,Stacia Misner and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Dive into the business intelligence features in SharePoint 2013and use the right combination of tools to deliver compelling solutions. Take control of business intelligence (BI) with the tools offered by SharePoint 2013 and Microsoft SQL Server 2012. Led by a group of BI and SharePoint experts, youll get step-by-step instructions for understanding how to use these technologies best in specific BI scenarioswhether youre a SharePoint administrator, SQL Server developer, or business analyst. Discover how to: Manage the entire BI lifecycle, from determining key performance indicators to building d
Contributors: Norman P. Warren - Author. Format: Paperback
SharePoint Enterprise CAL Microsoft Office SharePoint Enterprise CAL adds rights for you to use the Line of Business data integration and search, Business Intelligence including performance management dashboard and web-based spreadsheets, and electronic forms. Licensing This client access license (CAL) is an additional license on top of the Office SharePoint Standard Server CAL. User CALs are likely to be more cost effective than Device CALs if there are multiple devices per user (for example, a user has a laptop and handheld computer accessing SharePoint Server). A customer must acquire both
Business Intelligence in Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Textbook
Take control of business intelligence (BI) with the tools offered by SharePoint 2013 and Microsoft SQL ServerA 2012
Discover how to:Manage the entire BI lifecycle, from determining key performance indicators to building dashboards
Use web-based Microsoft ExcelA services and publish workbooks on a SharePoint Server Mash up data from multiple sources and create D