Implementing Electronic Card Payment Systems (Artech House Computer Security Series)
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Implementing Electronic Card Payment Systems new edition
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Categories: Electronic funds transfers, Payment, Electronic funds transfers. Contributors: Cristian Radu - Author. Format: Hardcover
Norwood Massachusetts USA: Artech House Inc. 1997. "Written for professionals who use and implement electronic payment systems on a daily basis this timely comprehensive guide identifies the various methods of transferring money over the Internet and provides key insights into how each system works. From electronic cash and checking systems to card-based and micropayment techniques.The book details each major payment method in use today. The book also provides an overview of conventional payment systems describes basic cryptographic techniques and explores the future direction of the electroni
With humor and wit, James Brook writes clear and engaging introductions to the concepts and sources of payment systems, along with examples and explanations that illustrate their application. Examples & Explanations: Payment Systems, now in its Fourth Edition, provides a complete overview of its subject And the proven-effective Examples & Explanations pedagogy that allows students to test their knowledge and practice applying the law. Updated throughout, The Fourth Edition of Examples & Explanations: Payment Systems features: the Examples & Explanations pedagogy clear introductory text followe
Although those born after the 1990s might never have known a time without them, payment cards and the electronic and computing networks they activate went through an explicit process of creation and adoption-a process which actively shaped these ubiquitous systems into what they are today. To understand why these systems ended up the way they did, one first needs to understand their origins, and how decisions made in their early years fundamentally shaped the way they evolved. Electronic Value Exchange recaptures the origins of one of these systems in particular: the electronic payment network
Implementing Electronic Card Payment Systems Textbook