Designing and Managing the Supply Chain 3e with Student CD
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain, 3/e provides state-of-the-art models, concepts, and solution methods that are important for the design, control, operation, and management of supply chain systems. Get and download textbook Designing and Managing the Supply Chain 3e with Student CD for free
Categories: Business logistics, Marketing->Channels->Management, Industrial procurement. Contributors: David Simchi-Levi - Author. Format: Other Format
In particular, the authors attempt to convey the intuition behind many key supply chain concepts and to provide simple techniques that can be used to analyze various aspects of the supply chain. Topical coverage reflects the authors' desire to introduce students to those aspects of supply chain management that are critical to the success of a business. Although many essential supply chain management issues are interrelated, the authors strive to make each chapter as self-contained as possible, so that the reader can refer directly Designing and Managing the Supply Chain 3e with Student CD new edition
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Provides models, concepts, and solution methods that are important for the design, control, operation, and management of supply chain systems. This title emphasises on finding or developing effective frameworks that illustrate many important supply chain issues.
Categories: Business logistics, Marketing->Channels->Management, Industrial procurement. Contributors: David Simchi-Levi - Author. Format: Other Format
Categories: Business logistics, Marketing->Channels->Management, Industrial procurement. Contributors: David Simchi-Levi - Author. Format: Other Format
Categories: Business logistics, Marketing->Channels->Management, Industrial procurement. Contributors: David Simchi-Levi - Author. Format: Other Format
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain 3e with Student CD Textbook
In particular, the authors attempt to convey the intuition behind many key supply chain concepts and to provide simple techniques that can be used to analyze various aspects of the supply chain
Although many essential supply chain management issues are interrelated, the authors strive to make each chapter as self-contained as possible, so that the reader can refer directly