E-Learning Uncovered: Adobe Captivate 6
The E-Learning Uncovered series is designed to give you the maximum amount of information in the minimum amount of time. Get and download textbook E-Learning Uncovered: Adobe Captivate 6 for free
e-Learning Uncovered Createspace 9781469900919 09781469900919
You'll learn about virtually every check box, every menu, and every option in Adobe Captivate 6 for PC. But we don't just tell you HOW to check that box or click that menu (that's the easy part), we also tell you WHY you might or might not want to.
Brand new users will walk step-by-step through every aspect of building great e-learning in Captivate. Intermediate users will learn how to use more advanced features, such as effects, actions, variables, and advanced actions--all in one book! Everyone will benefit from the special tips and insider secrets that let you do more and save time. E-Learning Uncovered new edition
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E-Learning Uncovered: Articulate Storyline, ISBN-13: 9781475298994, ISBN-10: 1475298994
Seller's Item Description: Title: E-Learning Uncovered: Articulate Storyline Author: Elkins, Diane ISBN: 9781475298994 Format: Paperback Condition: Brand New Publisher: CreateSpace Comments: Visit Bargain Book Stores for more great deals! 100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed: We work hard to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. If you're having a problem with your order, we want to know about it and fix it to your satisfaction. Please allow us to resolve your issue before you leave feedback. To
E-Learning Uncovered : Paperback : Createspace : 9781475298994 : 1475298994 : 04 May 2012 : The E-Learning Uncovered series is designed to give you the maximum amount of information in the minimum amount of time. You'll learn about virtually every check box, every menu, and every option in Articulate Storyline. But we don't just tell you HOW to check that box or click that menu; we also tell you WHY you might or might not want to. Brand new users will learn all the basics of how to get started: scenes, slides, graphics, layers, states, questions, and screen recordings. Intermediate...
E-Learning Uncovered Textbook
You'll learn about virtually every check box, every menu, and every option in Adobe Captivate 6 for PC. But we don't just tell you HOW to check that box or click that menu (that's the easy part), we also tell you WHY you might or might not want to.
Brand new users will walk step-by-step through every aspect of building great e-learning in Captivate. Intermediate users will learn how to use more advanced features, such as effects, actions, variables, and advanced actions--all in one book! Everyone will benefit from the special tips and insider secrets that let you do more and save time
You'll learn about virtually every check box, every menu, and every option in Adobe Captivate 6 for PC. But we don't just tell you HOW to check that box or click that menu (that's the easy part), we also tell you WHY you might or might not want to.
Brand new users will walk step-by-step through every aspect of building great e-learning in Captivate. Intermediate users will learn how to use more advanced features, such as effects, actions, variables, and advanced actions--all in one book! Everyone will benefit from the special tips and insider secrets that let you do more and save time.