Foundations of Predictive Analytics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series)
Drawing on the authors' two decades of experience in applied modeling and data mining, Foundations of Predictive Analytics presents the fundamental background required for analyzing data and building models for many practical applications, such as consumer behavior modeling, risk and marketing analytics, and other areas. Get and download textbook Foundations of Predictive Analytics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series) for free
Taylor & Francis Ltd | 2012 | 337 pages | ISBN-13: 9781439869468 | ISBN-10: 1439869464 | You save 15%
It also discusses a variety of practical topics that are frequently missing from similar texts. The book begins with the statistical and linear algebra/matrix foundation of modeling methods, from distributions to cumulant and copula functions to Cornish-Fisher expansion and other useful but hard-to-find statistical techniques. It then describes common and unusual linear methods as well as popular nonli Foundations of Predictive Analytics new edition
Download free books for Foundations Of Predictive Analytics By James Wu Hardcover Book (english)
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Foundations of Predictive Analytics by James Wu, Stephen Coggeshall Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New Author Biography James Wu is a Fixed Income Quant with extensive expertise in a wide variety of applied analytical solutions in consumer behavior modeling and financial engineering. He previously worked at ID Analytics, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Los Alamos Computational Group, and CASA. He earned a PhD fro
Contributors: James Wu - Author. Format: Hardcover
This book is written by Guowei Wu, James Wu, Stephen Coggeshall Published by Chapman & Hall CRC In 2012 and is available in Hardback POD will be shipped in 12 Days.
Foundations of Predictive Analytics Textbook
It also discusses a variety of practical topics that are frequently missing from similar texts
It then describes common and unusual linear methods as well as popular nonli