Introduction to Neural Networks for C#, 2nd Edition
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Introduction to Neural Networks for C#, 2nd Edition : Paperback : Heaton Research : 9781604390094 : 1604390093 : 30 Oct 2008 : This resource introduces the C# programmer to the world of Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence. Training techniques, such as backpropagation, genetic algorithms, and simulated annealing are also introduced.
Introduction to Neural Networks for C# new edition
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Introduction to Neural Networks for C#, 2nd Edition - Jeff Heaton
Introduction to Neural Networks for C#, Second Edition, introduces the C# programmer to the world of Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence. Neural network architectures, such as the feedforward, Hopfield, and self-organizing map architectures are discussed. Training techniques, such as backpropagation, genetic algorithms and simulated annealing are also introduced. Practical examples are given for each neural network. Examples include the traveling salesman problem, handwriting recognition, financial prediction, game strategy, mathematical functions, and Internet bots. All C# source code
Introduction to Neural Networks for C# (2nd Edition), ISBN-13: 9781604390094, ISBN-10: 1604390093
This resource introduces the C# programmer to the world of Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence. Training techniques, such as backpropagation, genetic algorithms, and simulated annealing are also introduced.
Introduction to Neural Networks for C# Textbook