GPU Computing Gems Jade Edition (Applications of GPU Computing Series)
This is the second volume of Morgan Kaufmann's GPU Computing Gems, offering an all-new set of insights, ideas, and practical "hands-on" skills from researchers and developers worldwide. Get and download textbook GPU Computing Gems Jade Edition (Applications of GPU Computing Series) for free
Buy GPU Computing Gems Jade Edition by Wen-mei W. Hwu and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Each chapter gives you a window into the work being performed across a variety of application domains, and the opportunity to witness the impact of parallel GPU computing on the efficiency of scientific research. GPU Computing Gems: Jade Edition showcases the latest research solutions with GPGPU and CUDA, including: Improving memory access patterns for cellular automata using CUDALarge-scale gas turbine simulations on GPU clustersIdentifying and mitigating credit risk using large-scale economic capital simulationsGPU-powered MATLAB acceleration with JacketBiologically-insp GPU Computing Gems Jade Edition new edition
Download free books for Gpu Computing Gems: Jade Edition Wen-mei, W. Hwu
format hardback language english publication year 02 11 2011 series applications of gpu computing series subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming title gpu computing gems jade edition author wen mei w hwu publisher morgan kaufmann pub publication date aug 05 2011 pages 896 binding hardcover edition jade ed dimensions 7 70 wx 9 30 hx 1 60 d isbn 0123859638 subject computers general description discusses research solutions with gpgpu and cuda including such topics as par
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Gpu Computing Gems Jade Edition by Wen-Mei W. Hwu Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New Offers a set of insights, ideas, and practical skills on GPU Computing from researchers and developers worldwide. This title showcases research solutions with GPGPU and CUDA, including: improving memory access patterns for cellular automata using CUDA; large-scale gas turbine simulations on GPU clusters; and, biologically-inspire
GPU Computing Gems Jade Edition (Applications of GPU Computing Series), ISBN-13: 9780123859631, ISBN-10: 0123859638
This is the second volume of Morgan Kaufmann's GPU Computing Gems, offering an all-new set of insights, ideas, and practical "hands-on" skills from researchers and developers worldwide. Each chapter gives
GPU Computing Gems Jade Edition Textbook
GPU Computing Gems: Jade Edition showcases the latest research solutions with GPGPU and CUDA, including: Improving memory access patterns for cellular automata using CUDALarge-scale gas turbine simulations on GPU clustersIdentifying and mitigating credit risk using large-scale economic capital simulationsGPU-powered MATLAB acceleration with JacketBiologically-insp