Information Assurance: Managing Organizational IT Security Risks
Written by two INFOSEC experts, this book provides a systematic and practical approach for establishing, managing and operating a comprehensive Information Assurance program. Get and download textbook Information Assurance: Managing Organizational IT Security Risks for free
Contributors: Committee on Information Assurance for Network-Centric Naval Forces - Author. Format: Paperback
It is designed to provide ISSO managers, security managers, and INFOSEC professionals with an understanding of the essential issues required to develop and apply a targeted information security posture to both public and private corporations and government run agencies.
There is a growing concern among all corporations and within the security industry to come up with new approaches to measure an organization's information security risks and posture. Information Assurance explains and defines the theories and processes that will help a company protect its proprietary Information Assurance new edition
Download free books for Corey Schou, Dan Shoemaker: Information Assurance for the Enterprise: A Roadmap to Information Security
Mcgraw-Hill Education - Europe | 2006 | 504 pages | ISBN-13: 9780072255249 | ISBN-10: 0072255242 | You save 15%
Contributors: Committee on Information Assurance for Network-Centric Naval Forces - Author. Format: Paperback
Contributors: Committee on Information Assurance for Network-Centric Naval Forces - Author. Format: Paperback
"Owing to the expansion of network-centric operating concepts across the Department of Defense (DOD) and the growing threat to information and cybersecurity from lone actors, groups of like-minded actors, nation-states, and malicious insiders, information assurance is an area of significant and growing importance and concern. Because of the forward positioning of both the Navy's afloat and the Marine Corps expeditionary forces, IA issues for naval forces are exacerbated, and are tightly linked to operational success. Broad-based IA success is viewed by the NRC's Committee on Information Assura
Information Assurance Textbook
It is designed to provide ISSO managers, security managers, and INFOSEC professionals with an understanding of the essential issues required to develop and apply a targeted information security posture to both public and private corporations and government run agencies
Information Assurance explains and defines the theories and processes that will help a company protect its proprietary