An Automation Primer for School Library Media Centers and Small Libraries
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An Automation Primer for School Library Media Centers and Small Libraries new edition
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payment | shipping rates | returns An Automation Primer for School Library Media Centers and Small Libraries Product Category :Books ISBN :1586831801 Title :An Automation Primer for School Library Media Centers and Small Libraries EAN :9781586831806 Authors :Barbara Schultz-Jones Binding :Paperback Publisher :Linworth Publication Date :2006-01-01 Pages :280 Signed :False First Edition :False Dust Jacket :False List Price (MSRP) :39.95 Height :0.7000 inches Width :8.3000 inches Length :11.0000 i About FAQ Payment Delivery Contact Us 1800-987-323 An Automation Primer for School Library Media Centers and Small Libraries (English) by Barbara Schultz-jones Format Paperback Condition Brand New Language English This easy-to-read, thorough guide to library automation systems includes current information on the components of software and choices to make when automating a school library. This book includes information on the various stages of automation conversions and a project
This easy-to-read, thorough guide to library automation systems includes current information on the components of software and choices to make when automating a school library. This book includes information on the various stages of automation conversions and a project planning process guide to assist librarians in a variety of library settings to plan and implement their automation projects. It includes interviews, background information, vendor presentations, and the author's practical experience in implementing an integrated automation system. Also includes a glossary of terms and an index
- Offers you a personal consultant for information and advice on designing and managing the automation of a library collection - Includes information on new technical options such as open source coding, consortia, copyright considerations, training plans, and the role of system users - Provides planning and project management tools for determining what automation options are right for your library This easy-to-read, thorough guide to library automation systems includes current information on the components of software and choices to make when automating a school library. This book includes inf
An Automation Primer for School Library Media Centers and Small Libraries Textbook