Theory of Computing: A Gentle Introduction
This book focuses on fundamental issues of computation. Get and download textbook Theory of Computing: A Gentle Introduction for free
The aim of this textbook is to present an account of the theory of computation. After introducing the concept of a model of computation and presenting various examples, the author explores the limitations of effective computation via basic recursion theory. Self-reference and other methods are introduced as fundamental and basic tools for constructing and manipulating algorithms. From there the book considers the complexity of computations and the notion of a complexity measure is introduced. Finally, the book culminates in considering time and space measures and in classifying computable functions as being either feasible or not. The author assumes only a basic familiarity with discrete mathematics and computing, making this textbook ideal for a graduate-level introductory course. It is based on many such courses presented by the author and so numerous exercises are included. In addition, the solutions to most of these exercises are provided.
The readers can master the content and gain lasting perspective from which to understand computers by carefully worked out examples, illustrations, and algorithmic proofs. Teaches the fundamental concepts behind computation. Hundreds of exercises marked according to the level of difficulty provide readers ample opportunity to apply concepts. Hundreds of illustrations which enhance understanding. Only algorithmic proofs are given in the text allowing readers to calibrate the mathematical depth they want to pursue. Appropriate for upper division undergraduate and graduate level courses in Computer Science Theory, Theory of Computation, and Automata and Formal La Theory of Computing new edition
Download free books for Theory of Computing and Systems: ISTCS '92, Israel Symposium, Haifa, Israel, May 27-28, 1992. Proceedings
Theory of Computing and Systems: ISTCS '92, Israel Symposium, Haifa, Israel, May 27-28, 1992. Proceedings: Danny Dolev, Michael Rodeh, Zvi Galil
Gain a clear understanding of even the most complex, highly theoretical computational theory topics in the approachable presentation found only in the market-leading INTRODUCTION TO THE THEORY OF COMPUTATION, 3E. The number one choice for today's computational theory course, this revision continues the book's well-know, approachable style with timely revisions, additional practice, and more memorable examples in key areas. A new first-of-its-kind theoretical treatment of deterministic context-free languages is ideal for a better understanding of parsing and LR(k) grammars. You gain a solid und
author john c martin format paperback language english publication year 01 04 2010 subject computing it subject 2 computing textbooks study guides title introduction to languages and the theory of computation author john martin publisher mcgraw hill higher education pages unknown binding paperback isbn 0071289429 description helps students make the connection between the practice of computing and an understanding of the profound ideas that defines it this book is suitable for a range of upper le
"Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation helps students make the connection between the practice of computing and an understanding of the profound ideas that defines it. The book's organization and the author's ability to explain complex toFile Size: 7134 KBPrint Length: 448 pagesSimultaneous Device Usage: Up to 2 simultaneous devices, per publisher limitsPublisher: Science Engineering & Math; 4 edition (February 2, 2010) Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.Language: EnglishASIN: B005J0H5FE"
Theory of Computing Textbook
The readers can master the content and gain lasting perspective from which to understand computers by carefully worked out examples, illustrations, and algorithmic proofs. Teaches the fundamental concepts behind computation. Hundreds of exercises marked according to the level of difficulty provide readers ample opportunity to apply concepts. Hundreds of illustrations which enhance understanding
Appropriate for upper division undergraduate and graduate level courses in Computer Science Theory, Theory of Computation, and Automata and Formal La