Who Owns the Future?
THE DAZZLING NEW MASTERWORK FROM THE PROPHET OF SILICON VALLEYJaron Lanier is the bestselling author of You Are Not a Gadget, the father of virtual reality, and one of the most influential thinkers of our time. Get and download textbook Who Owns the Future? for free
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For decades, Lanier has drawn on his expertise and experience as a computer scientist, musician, and digital media pioneer to predict the revolutionary ways in which technology is transforming our culture.Who Owns the Future? is a visionary reckoning with the effects network technologies have had on our economy. Lanier asserts that the rise of digital networks led our economy into recession and decimated the middle class. Now, as technology flattens more and more industries-from media to medicine to manuf Who Owns the Future? new edition
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The DazzlingNew Masterwork from the Prophet of Silicon Valley Jaron Lanier is the bestselling author of 'You Are Not a Gadget, 'the father of virtual reality, and one of the most influential thinkers of our time. For decades, Lanier has drawn on his expertise and experience as a computer scientist, musician, and digital media pioneer to predict the revolutionary ways in which technology is transforming our culture. 'Who Owns the Future? 'is a visionary reckoning with the effects network technologies have had on our economy. Lanier asserts that the rise of digital networks led our economy into
Simon Schuster 9781451654967 Who Owns the Future? By Lanier, Jaron Description A visionary innovator of virtual reality evaluates the negative impact of digital network technologies on the economy and particularly the middle class, citing challenges to employment and personal wealth while exploring the potential of a new information economy for stabilizing the middle class and enabling positive growth. *Author: Lanier, Jaron *Publication Date: 2013/05/07 *Number of Pages: 396 *Binding Type: Har
author jaron lanier format hardback language english publication year 07 03 2013 subject the world ideas culture general interest subject 2 inventions technology general interest who owns the future by jaron lanier h isbn 13 9781846145223 author biography jaron lanier is a philosopher and computer scientist who has spent his career pushing the transformative power of modern technology to its limits from coining the term virtual reality and creating the world s first immersive avatars to developi
Who Owns The Future?, ISBN-13: 9781438905686, ISBN-10: 1438905688
Who Owns the Future? Textbook
Now, as technology flattens more and more industries-from media to medicine to manuf