Austin and Boxerman's Information Systems For Healthcare Management, Seventh Edition
This bestselling text provides managers with the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to effectively manage healthcare information systems. Get and download textbook Austin and Boxerman's Information Systems For Healthcare Management, Seventh Edition for free
Austin and Boxerman's Information Systems For Healthcare Management, ISBN-13: 9781567932973, ISBN-10: 1567932975
Key Features: New and revised material includes: Expanded discussion of strategic planning, including the importance of system integration and IM/IT governance Extensive updates to the project management chapter, including information on establishing a centralized IM/IT portfolio management office (PMO) to improve project success rates A new chapter on the government s role in IM/IT, including the impact of HIPAA and other legislation A new chapter that explains how IM/IT investments are evaluated and provides a framework for conducting these analyses Updated information on the electronic health Austin and Boxerman's Information Systems For Healthcare Management new edition
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Austin and Boxerman's Information Systems For Healthcare Management, Seventh Edition - Detlev H. Smaltz, Donna J. Slovensky, Gerald L. Glandon
[ Ships Daily ] Condition: Excellent[ Underlining/Highlighting: NONE ] [ Writing: NONE ] Austin and Boxerman's Information Systems For Healthcare Management By Gerald L., Ph.d. Glandon, Detlev H. Smaltz, Donna J., Ph.d. Slovensky ISBN: 1567932975 Edition:seventh Publisher: Health Administration Press/AUPHA Pub Date: 7/24/2008 Binding: Hardcover Pages: 300
Categories: Health services administration, Health services administration->Data processing, Information systems->Hospitals. Contributors: Gerald L. Glandon - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Health services administration, Health services administration->Data processing, Information systems->Hospitals. Contributors: Gerald L. Glandon - Author. Format: Hardcover
Austin and Boxerman's Information Systems For Healthcare Management Textbook
ey Features: New and revised material includes: Expanded discussion of strategic planning, including the importance of system integration and IM/IT governance Extensive updates to the project management chapter, including information on establishing a centralized IM/IT portfolio management office (PMO) to improve project success rates A new chapter on the government s role in IM/IT, including the impact of HIPAA and other legislation A new chapter that explains how IM/IT investments are evaluated and provides a framework for conducting these analyses Updated information on the electronic health