Structured Parallel Programming: Patterns for Efficient Computation
Programming is now parallel programming. Get and download textbook Structured Parallel Programming: Patterns for Efficient Computation for free
Buy Structured Parallel Programming by Arch Robison,James Reinders,Michael McCool and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Much as structured programming revolutionized traditional serial programming decades ago, a new kind of structured programming, based on patterns, is relevant to parallel programming today. Parallel computing experts and industry insiders Michael McCool, Arch Robison, and James Reinders describe how to design and implement maintainable and efficient parallel algorithms using a pattern-based approach. They present both theory and practice, and give detailed concrete examples using multiple programming models. Examples are primarily given using two of the most popular and cutting edge programming models for parallel programming: Threading Building Blocks, and Cilk Plus. These architecture-independent mo Structured Parallel Programming new edition
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Programming is now parallel programming. Much as structured programming revolutionized traditional serial programming decades ago, a new kind of structured programming, based on patterns, is relevant to About FAQ Payment Delivery Contact Us 1800-987-323 Structured Parallel Programming (English) by Michael McCool Format Paperback Condition Brand New Language English Programming is now parallel programming. This title describes how to design and implement maintainable and efficient parallel algorithms using a pattern-based approach. It includes examples from realistic contexts that illustrate patterns and themes in parallel algorithm design that are widely applicable regardless of
author arch robison author james reinders author michael mccool format paperback language english publication year 31 07 2012 subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming ean 9780124159938 title structured parallel programming sku st 0124159931 product category books comics magazines about hive store ltd by continuing with this checkout and ordering from hive you are accepting our current terms and conditions details of which can be found by clicking here author biography mi
Structured Parallel Programming : Paperback : ELSEVIER SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY : 9780124159938 : 0124159931 : 07 Sep 2012 : Programming is now parallel programming. This title describes how to design and implement maintainable and efficient parallel algorithms using a pattern-based approach. It includes examples from realistic contexts that illustrate patterns and themes in parallel algorithm design that are widely applicable regardless of implementation technology.
Structured Parallel Programming Textbook
Much as structured programming revolutionized traditional serial programming decades ago, a new kind of structured programming, based on patterns, is relevant to parallel programming today. Parallel computing experts and industry insiders Michael McCool, Arch Robison, and James Reinders describe how to design and implement maintainable and efficient parallel algorithms using a pattern-based approach. They present both theory and practice, and give detailed concrete examples using multiple programming models. Examples are primarily given using two of the most popular and cutting edge programming models for parallel programming: Threading Building Blocks, and Cilk Plus
uch as structured programming revolutionized traditional serial programming decades ago, a new kind of structured programming, based on patterns, is relevant to parallel programming today. Parallel computing experts and industry insiders Michael McCool, Arch Robison, and James Reinders describe how to design and implement maintainable and efficient parallel algorithms using a pattern-based approach. They present both theory and practice, and give detailed concrete examples using multiple programming models. Examples are primarily given using two of the most popular and cutting edge programming models for parallel programming: Threading Building Blocks, and Cilk Plus. These architecture-independent mo