Data Structures and Algorithms
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Data structures and algorithms 3: multi-dimensional searching and computational geometry: K. Mehlhorn
Data Structures and Algorithms new edition
Download free books for Sally A. Goldman, Kenneth J. Goldman: A Practical Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms Using Java [With CDROM]
Taylor & Francis Inc | 2007 | 1056 pages | ISBN-13: 9781584884552 | ISBN-10: 158488455X | You save 10%
Categories: C (Computer program language), Computer algorithms, Data structures->Software engineerin. Contributors: Mark A. Weiss - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Data structures->Software engineering, Java (Computer program language), Computer algorithms. Contributors: Michael T. Goodrich - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: C++ (Computer program language), Computer algorithms, Data structures->Software engineering. Contributors: Michael T. Goodrich - Author. Format: Paperback
Data Structures and Algorithms Textbook