Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
* Capturing a wealth of experience about the design of object-oriented software, four top-notch designers present a catalog of simple and succinct solutions to commonly occurring design problems. Get and download textbook Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software for free
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Previously undocumented, these 23 patterns allow designers to create more flexible, elegant, and ultimately reusable designs without having to rediscover the design solutions themselves. * The authors begin by describing what patterns are and how they can help you design object-oriented software. They then go on to systematically name, explain, evaluate, and catalog recurring designs in object-oriented systems. With Design Patterns as your guide, you will learn how these important patterns fit into the software development process, and how you can leverage Design Patterns new edition
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Categories: Reusability->Software engineering, Object-oriented programming, Design patterns->Software engineerin. Contributors: Erich Gamma - Author. Format: Hardcover
Head First Design Patterns
Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, ISBN-13: 9780201633610, ISBN-10: 0201633612
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Design Patterns Textbook
With Design Patterns as your guide, you will learn how these important patterns fit into the software development process, and how you can leverage