The Senior's Guide to Easy Computing Handbook
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Now updated and revised, the user-friendliest, most reassuring, jargon-free, smartest, and most comprehensive nuts-and-bolts guide for seniors, who are the fastest-growing demographic among social networks. Abby Stokes is the perfect guide to the digital domain: She's taught more than 140000 seniors how to use a computer. In an easy, authoritative, hand-holding way, she covers it all: how to choose, buy, and start using a computer. How to connect to the Internet, sign up for e-mail, and use search engines. Plus, how and why to get digital in the first place: the ins and outs of online shopping, banking, travel planning, dating, research; how to take and share digital photographs and videos; how to discover online communities, and use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube; the world of apps, online music, and streaming movies; and, importantly, online security and 'netiquette.' There's information on iPads, smartphones--including the Blackberry, iPhone, and Android--and e-readers like Nook and Kindle. A companion a Facebook page and Twitter feed provide easy and safe access to this brave new world.
The Senior's Guide to Easy Computing Handbook new edition
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New Paperback.
Now updated and revised, the user-friendliest, most reassuring, jargon-free, smartest, and most comprehensive nuts-and-bolts guide for seniors, who are the fastest-growing demographic among social networks. Abby Stokes is the perfect guide to the digital domain: She's taught more than 140000 seniors how to use a computer. In an easy, authoritative, hand-holding way, she covers it all: how to choose, buy, and start using a computer. How to connect to the Internet, sign up for e-mail, and use search engines. Plus, how and why to get digital in the first place: the ins and outs of online shopping
Now updated and revised, the user-friendliest, most reassuring, jargon-free, smartest, and most comprehensive nuts-and-bolts guide for seniors, who are the fastest-growing demographic among social networks.Abby Stokes is the perfect guide to the digital domain: She's taught more than 140.000 seniors how to use a computer. In an easy, authoritative, hand-holding way, she covers it all: how to choose, buy, and start using a computer. How to connect to the Internet, sign up for e-mail, and use search engines. Plus, how and why to get digital in the first place: the ins and outs of online shopping
"Now updated and revised, the user-friendliest, most reassuring, jargon-free, smartest, and most comprehensive nuts-and-bolts guide for seniors, who are the fastest-growing demographic among social networks. Abby Stokes is the perfect guide to the digital domain: She's taught more than 140000 seniors how to use a computer. In an easy, authoritative, hand-holding way, she covers it all: how to choose, buy, and start using a computer. How to connect to the Internet, sign up for e-mail, and use search engines. Plus, how and why to get digital in the first place: the ins and outs of online shoppin
The Senior's Guide to Easy Computing Handbook Textbook