Programming Converged Networks: Call Control in Java, XML, and Parlay/OSA
Get and download textbook Programming Converged Networks: Call Control in Java, XML, and Parlay/OSA for free
Categories: Internet telephony, Convergence (Telecommunication), Internet telephony. Contributors: Ravi Jain - Author. Format: Hardcover
Programming Converged Networks new edition
Download free books for Programming Converged Networks Call Control in Java,..., 9780471268017
Programming Converged Networks Call Control in Java, XML and Parlay/OSA, ISBN-13: 9780471268017, ISBN-10: 0471268011
Categories: Internet telephony, Convergence (Telecommunication), Internet telephony. Contributors: Ravi Jain - Author. Format: Hardcover
Description: One of the key characteristics of the next generation of communications networks is that they will be open for software vendors to create services for customers. These services will hinge on the development of flexible application programming interfaces (APIs) for call control. This book examines next generation APIs, emphasizing Java Call Control throughout. Readers will also find valuable insights into the pros and cons of various call control models. Key Features: Provides broad coverage of several different call models and APIs, including JAIN, JTAPI, JCC, and Parlay. Author:
Programming Converged Networks Textbook