Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World with CD-ROM
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author john d sterman format mixed media product language english publication year 01 12 2000 subject personal development subject 2 careers success business dynamics systems thinking and modeling for a complex world with cd r author biography john sterman lexington ma teaches at the sloan school of management and direct mit s system dynamics group author s john d sterman contained items statement contains paperback and cd rom content note illustrations country of publication united states date
Business Dynamics new edition
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The emergence of giant media corporations has created a new era in mass communications. The world of media giants--with a focus on the bottom line--makes awareness of business and financial issues critical for everyone in the industry. This timely new edition of a popular and successful textbook introduces basic business concepts, terminology, history, and management theories in the context of contemporary events. It includes up-to-date information on technology and addresses the major problem facing media companies today: How can the news regain profitability in the digital age? Focusing on n
IGI Global 9781599044293 Business Dynamics in Information Technology Description Emerging business models, value configurations, and information technologies interact over time to create competitive advantage. Modern information technology has to be studied, understood, and applied along the time dimension of months and years, where changes are the rule. Such changes created by interactions between business elements and resources are very well suited for system dynamics modeling. Business Dynam
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Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World with CD-ROM [With Companion] by John D. Sterman Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New The leading authority on system dynamics explains this approach to organizational problem solving, emphasizing simulation models to understand issues such as fluctuating sales, market growth and stagnation, the reliability of forecasts and the rationality of busin
Business Dynamics Textbook