Data Structures and Abstractions with Java (3rd Edition)
Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 3e, is ideal for one- or two-semester courses in data structures (CS-2) in the departments of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Business, and Management Information Systems. Get and download textbook Data Structures and Abstractions with Java (3rd Edition) for free
Categories: Data abstraction->Software engineering, Java (Computer program language), Data structures->Software engineering. Contributors: Frank Carrano - Author. Format: Hardcover
This is the most student-friendly data structures text available that introduces ADTs in individual, brief chapters - each with pedagogical tools to help students master each concept.AUsing the latest features of Java, this unique object-oriented presentation makes a clear distinction between specification and implementation to simplify learning, while providing maximum classroom flexibility.
Author Frank Carrano's Making it Real blog extends his textbooks and lectures to Data Structures and Abstractions with Java new edition
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Categories: Data abstraction->Software engineering, Data structures->Software engineering, Java (Computer program language. Contributors: Frank M. Carrano - Author. Format: NOOK Study
Categories: Data structures->Software engineering, Java (Computer program language), Data abstraction->Software engineering. Contributors: Frank Carrano - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Data structures->Software engineering, Java (Computer program language), Data abstraction->Software engineering. Contributors: Frank Carrano - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Data abstraction->Software engineering, Java (Computer program language), Data structures->Software engineering. Contributors: Frank Carrano - Author. Format: Hardcover
Data Structures and Abstractions with Java Textbook
com/blog/ extends his textbooks and lectures to