Data Mining for the Masses
Have you ever found yourself working with a spreadsheet full of data and wishing you could make more sense of the numbers? Have you reviewed sales or operations reports, wondering if there's a better way to anticipate your customers' needs? Perhaps you've even thought to yourself: There's got to be more to these figures than what I'm seeing! Data Mining can help, and you don't need a Ph. Get and download textbook Data Mining for the Masses for free
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing 9783847303664 Data Mining in Life Insurance Sector of India: A Model Based Approach Description Presently, huge masses of digital data about products, customers and competitors have become available for companies in the services sector. In order to exploit its inherent knowledge for improving business processes, the application of data mining technology is the only way for reaching good and efficient results. The idea of applying data mining may suit to any of th
. in Computer Science to do it. You can forecast staffing levels, predict demand for inventory, even sift through millions of lines of customer emails looking for common themes-all using data mining. It's easier than you might think. In Data Mining for the Masses, professor Matt North-a former risk analyst and database de Data Mining for the Masses new edition
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New Paperback.
Data warehousing is about transforming the data which an organization possesses and turning it into information of strategic significance. Data Warehousing explores the most pressing issue in business today -- the means to improve strategic decision making. Data Warehousing represents a map for a new way of looking at data and information. Data exists in abundance but it is often unusable to support decision making because it is unstructured, unintegrated, aged or polluted.explores the issue whether to build a full enterprise data warehouse, or whether to go for a scaled down "data mart"update
"Google Brings Data Mining to the People! Virtually everyone sees Google as, hands down, the best online search tool. Now you can use and improve on Google technology in your own applications. Mining
Overcoming many challenges, data mining has already established discipline capability in many domains. Dynamic and Advanced Data Mining for Progressing Technological Development: Innovations and Systemic Approaches discusses advances in modern data mining research in today's rapidly growing global and technological environment. A critical mass of the most sought after knowledge, this publication serves as an important reference tool to leading research within information search and retrieval techniques.
Data Mining for the Masses Textbook
. in Computer Science to do it. You can forecast staffing levels, predict demand for inventory, even sift through millions of lines of customer emails looking for common themes-all using data mining. It's easier than you might think
in Computer Science to do it. You can forecast staffing levels, predict demand for inventory, even sift through millions of lines of customer emails looking for common themes-all using data mining. It's easier than you might think. In Data Mining for the Masses, professor Matt North-a former risk analyst and database de