Concepts of Database Management
- 7e, 7th Edition
CONCEPTS OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT fits perfectly into any introductory database course for information systems, business or CIS programs. Get and download textbook Concepts of Database Management for free
This book is created for those individuals who are looking for a concise but complete introduction to database concepts. This book fits database fundamentals into a shorter format that teaches users how to build databases through two effective running case studies. Using Access as a foundation, the Third Edition begins with a discussion of database models and proceeds to cover QBE, SQL, Normalization, Design Methodology, and Administration. Each chapter features step-by-step instruction, exercises, and projects that enhance learning. Author: Pratt, Philip J., Adamski, Joseph J. ISBN-10: 0619000570
This concise text teaches SQL in a database-neutral environment with all major topics being covered, including E-R diagrams, normalization, and database design. Now in its seventh edition, CONCEPTS OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT prepares students for success in their field using real-world cases addressing current issues such as database design, data integrity, concurrent updates, and data security. Special features include detailed coverage of the relational model (including QBE and SQL), normalization and views, database design, database administration and management, and more. Advanced topics covered include distributed Concepts of Database Management new edition
Download free books for Concepts of Database Management, 6th Edition
This concise yet comprehensive introduction to fundamental database concepts is an indispensable resource to develop your knowledge of database management concepts. Now in its sixth edition, Concepts of Database Management maintains the focus on real-world cases that made previous editions so effective addressing the most current database issues faced today such as database design, data integrity, concurrent updates, and data security. Special features include detailed coverage of the relational model (including Query-By-Example (QBE) and SQL), normalization and views, database design, databas
Categories: Database management. Contributors: Philip J. Pratt - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Database management. Contributors: Philip J. Pratt - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Database management. Contributors: Philip J. Pratt - Author. Format: Paperback
Concepts of Database Management Textbook
Advanced topics covered include distributed