Automata and Computability (Undergraduate Texts in Computer Science)
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Automata and Computability, ISBN-13: 9780387949079, ISBN-10: 0387949070
Automata and Computability new edition
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The aim of this textbook is to provide undergraduate students with an introduction to the basic theoretical models of computability, and to develop some of the model's rich and varied structure. Students who have already some experience with elementary discrete mathematics will find this a well-paced first course, and a number of supplementary chapters introduce more advanced concepts. The first part of the book is devoted to finite automata and their properties. Pushdown automata provide a broader class of models and enable the analysis of context-free languages. In the remaining chapters, Tu
Automata and Computability by Dexter C. Kozen - ISBN 0387949070
Automata and Computability (Undergraduate Texts in Computer Science)Dexter C. Kozen ISBN: 9780387949079 Publisher: Springer Published date: Aug 1 1997 Hardcover COMMENTS: Used - Acceptable Reading copy. May have damage to cover, notes, underlining, highlighting, but all text legible. May have tears to DJ or missing DJ.SKU: N1-02-A-16-1597
Categories: Machine theory, Computable functions, Machine theor. Contributors: Dexter C. Kozen - Author. Format: Hardcover
Automata and Computability Textbook