Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction (Dover Books on Electrical Engineering)
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Optimal Control Theory for Applications:
Optimal Control Theory new edition
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This is an introduction to optimal control theory for systems governed by vector ordinary differential equations, up to and including a proof of the Pontryagin Maximum Principle. Though the subject is accessible to any student with a sound undergraduate mathematics background. Theory and applications are integrated with examples, particularly one special example (the rocket car) which relates all the abstract ideas to an understandable setting. The authors avoid excessive generalization, focusing rather on motivation and clear, fluid explanation.
Presenting a thorough introductory exposition of optimal control theory, this work differs from the existing textbooks on the subject due to its emphasis on the economic interpretation of the mathematics and the qualitative properties of the solutions. Moreover, it is a modern exposition of optimal control theory in that it presents numerous complementary methods. It is aimed at first-year and second-year PhD students in economics, agricultural and resource economics, operations research, management science, and applied mathematics.
Categories: Control theory, Mathematical optimization, Control theory. Contributors: LD Berkovitz - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Control theory, Mathematical optimization, Control theory. Contributors: Donald E. Kirk - Author. Format: Paperback
Optimal Control Theory Textbook