Matrix Algebra: Theory, Computations, and Applications in Statistics (Springer Texts in Statistics)
Get and download textbook Matrix Algebra: Theory, Computations, and Applications in Statistics (Springer Texts in Statistics) for free
Categories: Algebra, Matrices. Contributors: David R. Hill - Author. Format: Hardcover
Matrix Algebra new edition
Download free books for Matrices and Their Roots: A Textbook of Matrix Algebra/With Disk
Matrices and Their Roots: A Textbook of Matrix Algebra/With Disk: AR Heesterman
Categories: Algebra, Matrices. Contributors: David R. Hill - Author. Format: Hardcover
Matrix Algebra is a vital tool for mathematics in the social sciences, and yet many social scientists have only a rudimentary grasp of it. This volume serves as a complete introduction to matrix algebra, requiring no background knowledge beyond basic school algebra. Namboodiri's presentation is smooth and readable: it begins with the basic definitions and goes on to explain elementary manipulations and the concept of linear dependence, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors -- supplying illustrations through fully-worked examples. *Author: Namboodiri, Krishnan/ Niemi, Richard G., Professor *Series Titl
Matrix Algebra is a vital tool for mathematics in the social sciences, and yet many social scientists have only a rudimentary grasp of it. This volume serves as a complete introduction to matrix algebra, requiring no background knowledge beyond basic school algebra. Namboodiri's presentation is smooth and readable: it begins with the basic definitions and goes on to explain elementary manipulations and the concept of linear dependence, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors -- supplying illustrations through fully-worked examples. Author: Namboodiri, Krishnan ISBN-10: 0803920520
Matrix Algebra Textbook