Nikon Speedlight Handbook: Flash Techniques for Digital Photographers
Debunking the common misconception that a flash is only necessary in low-light situations, this guidebook provides professional instruction on how to properly direct and shape light in order to marshal mood, shape, texture, and color to make photographs more dynamic and visually interesting. Get and download textbook Nikon Speedlight Handbook: Flash Techniques for Digital Photographers for free
Seller's Item Description: Title: Nikon Speedlight Handbook Author: Stephanie Zettl ISBN: 9781608954513 Format: Paperback Condition: Brand New Publisher: Amherst Media, Inc. Comments: Visit Bargain Book Stores for more great deals! 100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed: We work hard to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. If you're having a problem with your order, we want to know about it and fix it to your satisfaction. Please allow us to resolve your issue before you leave feedback. To contact
Beginning with an introduction to the basic characteristics of light-the quality and diffusion of light, the direction of the light, and the color of the light-this work goes on to discuss aperture, shutter speed, and ISO and their relation to Nikon flash systems. After teaching how to master these fundamentals, this book discusses how to use Nikon flashes, how to modify the light from flashes, and what subject matter looks good in different lightin Nikon Speedlight Handbook new edition
Download free books for Nikon Speedlight Handbook: Flash Techniques for Digital Photographers
Debunking the common misconception that a flash is only necessary in low-light situations, this guidebook provides professional instruction on how to properly direct and shape light in order to marshal mood, shape, texture, and color to make photographs more dynamic and visually interesting. Beginning with an introduction to the basic characteristics of light--the quality and diffusion of light, the direction of the light, and the color of the light--this work goes on to discuss aperture, shutter speed, and ISO and their relation to Nikon flash systems. After teaching how to master these funda
author stephanie zettle format paperback language english publication year 10 05 2012 subject the arts subject 2 photography title nikon speedlight handbook flash techniques for digital photographers author zettle stephanie publisher amherst media publication date jan 23 2012 pages 160 binding paperback dimensions 7 25 wx 9 50 hx 0 50 d isbn 160895451 x subject photography techniques digital see also computers computer graphics image processing description debunking the common misconception th
Nikon Speedlight Handbook
The Nikon Speedlight Handbook from Amherst Media demystifies the idea that a flash can only be used when there is little light to work with. The book shows you how to use your flash as a tool to shape light, create a mood or even enhance color.The book starts off with the basic principles of lighting - direction and color. From there, it takes off into a discussion of how lighting works together with your camera through use of aperture, ISO ratings and shutter speed. Specifically...
Nikon Speedlight Handbook Textbook
After teaching how to master these fundamentals, this book discusses how to use Nikon flashes, how to modify the light from flashes, and what subject matter looks good in different lightin