Introduction to Information Systems, 15th Edition
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author george m marakas author james ao brien format mixed media product language english publication year 15 11 2007 subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming title introduction to information systems author o brien james a marakas george m publisher irwin professional pub publication date nov 23 2007 pages 557 binding hardcover edition 14 hardback cd rom dimensions 9 00 wx 11 00 hx 1 00 d isbn 0077240588 subject computers management information systems brand new hard
Introduction to Information Systems new edition
Download free books for Introduction to Information Systems : Organisations,..., 9780230370500
Introduction to Information Systems : Organisations, Applications, Technology, and Design, ISBN-13: 9780230370500, ISBN-10: 0230370500
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author george m marakas author james ao brien format mixed media product language english publication year 15 11 2007 subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming title introduction to information systems author o brien james a marakas george m publisher irwin professional pub publication date nov 23 2007 pages 557 binding hardcover edition 14 hardback cd rom dimensions 9 00 wx 11 00 hx 1 00 d isbn 0077240588 subject computers management information systems brand new hard
Introduction to Information Systems Textbook