Android Wireless Application Development Volume I: Android Essentials (3rd Edition) (Developer's Library)
Android Wireless Application Development has earned a reputation as the most useful real-world guide to building robust, commercial-grade Android apps. Get and download textbook Android Wireless Application Development Volume I: Android Essentials (3rd Edition) (Developer's Library) for free
[ Ships Daily ] Condition: Good[ Underlining/Highlighting: NONE ] [ Writing: NONE ] Android Wireless Application Development Volume I: Android Essentials By Lauren Darcey, Shane Conder ISBN: 0321813839 Edition:Third Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional Pub Date: 3/4/2012 Binding: Paperback Pages: 600
Now, authors Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder have systematically revised and updated this guide for the latest Android SDK 4.0. To accommodate their extensive new coverage, they've split the book into two volumes. Volume I focuses on Android essentials, including setting up your development environment, understanding the application lifecycle, designing effective user interfaces, developing for diverse devices, and optimizing your mobile app development process--from design through publishing. Every chapter has been thoroughly updated for the newest APIs, tools, utilities, Android Wireless Application Development Volume I new edition
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Android Wireless Application Development Volume I : Android Essentials, ISBN-13: 9780321813831, ISBN-10: 0321813839
author lauren darcey author shane conder format paperback language english publication year 23 02 2012 subject engineering technology subject 2 electronics engineering communications engineering android wireless application development volume i shane conder pa 9780321813831 author biography lauren darcey is responsible for the technical leadership and direction of a small software company specializing in mobile technologies including android ios blackberry palm pre brew and j 2 me and consulting
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Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Android Wireless Application Development, Volume 1: Android Essentials by Shane Conder, Lauren Darcey Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Android Wireless Application Development has earned a reputation as the most useful real-world guide to building robust, commercial-grade Android apps. Now, authors Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder have systematically revised and updated this guide for the latest Android SDK 4.0.
Android Wireless Application Development Volume I Textbook
Now, authors Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder have systematically revised and updated this guide for the latest Android SDK 4.0. To accommodate their extensive new coverage, they've split the book into two volumes. Volume I focuses on Android essentials, including setting up your development environment, understanding the application lifecycle, designing effective user interfaces, developing for diverse devices, and optimizing your mobile app development process--from design through publishing
ow, authors Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder have systematically revised and updated this guide for the latest Android SDK 4.0. To accommodate their extensive new coverage, they've split the book into two volumes. Volume I focuses on Android essentials, including setting up your development environment, understanding the application lifecycle, designing effective user interfaces, developing for diverse devices, and optimizing your mobile app development process--from design through publishing. Every chapter has been thoroughly updated for the newest APIs, tools, utilities,