Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers (2nd Edition)
This accessible text covers the techniques of parallel programming in a practical manner that enables readers to write and evaluate their parallel programs. Get and download textbook Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers (2nd Edition) for free
Categories: Parallel programming (Computer science), Cluster computing. Contributors: Alan Kaminsky - Author. Format: Hardcover
Supported by the National Science Foundation and exhaustively class-tested, it is the first text of its kind that does not require access to a special multiprocessor system, concentrating instead on parallel programs that can be executed on networked computers using freely available parallel software tools. The book covers the timely topic of cluster programming, interesting to many programmers due to the recent availability of low-cost computers. Uses MPI pseudocodes to describe algorithms and allows different programming tools to be implemented, and provides readers wi Parallel Programming new edition
Download free books for Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing
Containing over 300 entries in an AZ format, the Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing provides easy, intuitive access to relevant information for professionals and researchers seeking access to any aspect within the broad field of parallel computing. Topics for this comprehensive reference were selected, written, and peer-reviewed by an international pool of distinguished researchers in the field. The Encyclopedia is broad in scope, covering machine organization, programming languages, algorithms, and applications. Within each area, concepts, designs, and specific implementations are presented.
Categories: Parallel programming (Computer science), Application program interfaces (Computer software). Contributors: Barbara Chapman - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Parallel programming (Computer science), Cluster computing. Contributors: Alan Kaminsky - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: High performance computing, Parallel programming (Computer science). Contributors: Stan Openshaw - Author. Format: Hardcover
Parallel Programming Textbook
Supported by the National Science Foundation and exhaustively class-tested, it is the first text of its kind that does not require access to a special multiprocessor system, concentrating instead on parallel programs that can be executed on networked computers using freely available parallel software tools
Uses MPI pseudocodes to describe algorithms and allows different programming tools to be implemented, and provides readers wi