Database Processing (11th Edition)
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"ISBN 0131672673; 100% Brand NEW; David Kroenke Prentice Hall; Database Processing : Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation"
Database Processing new edition
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Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation: David M. Kroenke
"ISBN 9780132302678; 100% Brand NEW; David M. Kroenke, David Auer Prentice Hall; Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation, 11th Edition"
Database Processing: Kroenke
'Database Processing, 9/E' provides a solid, modern foundation in the fundamentals of database processing. This new edition proves to be the most comprehensive revision of the book yet, with expanded and updated treatment of cutting-edge technologies like XML and ADO.NET. ADO.NET, SQL, SQL Server, XML, Oracle, the entity-relationship model, database management, database redesign. For database administrators, database designers, application programmers, or other professionals in the field who want a complete, up-to-date, easy-to-use database book. Author: Kroenke, David M. ISBN-10: 0131015141
Database Processing Textbook