Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, 8: Network Routing (Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis)
The papers in this volume consider a general area of study known as network routing. Get and download textbook Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, 8: Network Routing (Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis) for free
format hardback language english publication year 30 10 1995 series handbooks in operations research and management science subject computing it subject 2 computer communications networking title handbooks in operations research and management science 8 network routing handbooks in operations research and management science author ball mo editor magnanti tl editor monma clyde l editor nemhauser george l editor publisher north holland publication date oct 01 1995 pages 785 binding hardcover dim
The underlying problems are conceptually simple, yet mathematically complex and challenging. How can we best route material or people from one place to another? Or, how can we best design a system (for instance locate facilities) to provide services and goods as efficiently and equitably as possible? The problems encountered in answering these questions often have an underlying combinatorial structure, for example, either we dispatch a vehicle or we do not, or we use one particular route or another. The problems also typically have an underlying network structure (a communication or transportation network). In addition, models for these problems are often very Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, 8 new edition
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format hardback language english publication year 30 10 1995 series handbooks in operations research and management science subject computing it subject 2 computer communications networking title handbooks in operations research and management science 8 network routing handbooks in operations research and management science author ball mo editor magnanti tl editor monma clyde l editor nemhauser george l editor publisher north holland publication date oct 01 1995 pages 785 binding hardcover dim
format hardback language english publication year 01 01 2005 series handbooks in operations research and management science subject mathematics sciences subject 2 mathematics title handbooks in operations research and management science volume 12 discrete optimization handbooks in operations research and management science author aardal k editor nemhauser george l editor weismantel r editor publisher north holland publication date dec 12 2005 pages 607 binding hardcover edition 1 st dimensions 8
New Hardcover.
"In two volumes, Planning Production and Inventories in the Extended Enterprise: A State of the Art Handbook examines production planning across the extended enterprise against a backdrop of important gaps between theory and practice. The early chapters describe the multifaceted nature of production planning problems and reveal many of the core complexities. The middle chapters describe recent research on theoretical techniques to manage these complexities. Accounts of production planning system currently in use in various industries are included in the later chapters. Throughout the two volum
Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, 8 Textbook
In addition, models for these problems are often very