IPv6 Core Protocols Implementation (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)
The authoritative reference text on KAME and IPv6!
IPv6 was introduced in 1994 and has been in development at the IETF for over 10 years. Get and download textbook IPv6 Core Protocols Implementation (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking) for free
"ISBN 9780124477513; 100% Brand NEW; Qing Li, Tatuya Jinmei, Keiichi Shima Morgan Kaufmann; IPv6 Core Protocols Implementation (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking), 1st Edition"
It has now reached the deployment stage. KAME, the de-facto open-source reference implementation of the IPv6 standards, played a significant role in the acceptance and the adoption of the IPv6 technology. The adoption of KAME by key companies in a wide spectrum of commercial products is a testimonial to the success of the KAME project, which concluded not long ago.
This book is the first and the only one of its kind, which reveals all of the details of the KAME IPv6 protocol stack, explaining exactly what every line of code does and why it was designed that way. Through the dissection of both IPv6 Core Protocols Implementation new edition
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IPv6 Core Protocols Implementation: Keiichi Shima, Qing Li, Tatuya Jinmei
IPv6 Core Protocols Implementation
Buy IPv6 Core Protocols Implementation by Keiichi Shima,Qing Li,Tatuya Jinmei and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
*** condition: 100% brand new ***ipv6 core protocols implementation (the morgan kaufmann series in networking), 1st editioncondition: 100% brand newauthor: qing li, tatuya jinmei, keiichi shimaedition: 1international publisher: morgan kaufmanninternational pub. date: october 26, 2006
IPv6 Core Protocols Implementation Textbook
It has now reached the deployment stage. KAME, the de-facto open-source reference implementation of the IPv6 standards, played a significant role in the acceptance and the adoption of the IPv6 technology. The adoption of KAME by key companies in a wide spectrum of commercial products is a testimonial to the success of the KAME project, which concluded not long ago.
This book is the first and the only one of its kind, which reveals all of the details of the KAME IPv6 protocol stack, explaining exactly what every line of code does and why it was designed that way
t has now reached the deployment stage. KAME, the de-facto open-source reference implementation of the IPv6 standards, played a significant role in the acceptance and the adoption of the IPv6 technology. The adoption of KAME by key companies in a wide spectrum of commercial products is a testimonial to the success of the KAME project, which concluded not long ago.
This book is the first and the only one of its kind, which reveals all of the details of the KAME IPv6 protocol stack, explaining exactly what every line of code does and why it was designed that way. Through the dissection of both