Data Structures and Program Design In C (2nd Edition)
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Data Structures and Program Design in C++by Alexander J. Ryba and Robert L. Kruse US Edition All previously owned textbooks are guaranteed to be in good condition. If you're not satisfied with your order, just contact us and we will address any issues.If you have any specific questions about a book prior to ordering, feel free to ask. Need your book fast?You came to the right place. We ship all orders within 24 business hours. Please take a look at all of our shipping options. Media mail typica
Data Structures and Program Design In C new edition
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Data Structures And Program Design In C: Mark W. Humphries, Michael W. Hawkins, Michelle C. Dy
Data Structures and Program Design in C , ISBN-13: 9780137689958, ISBN-10: 0137689950 About FAQ Payment Delivery Contact Us 1800-987-323 Data Structures and Program Design in C (English) by Robert L. Kruse , Clovis L. Tondo Format Paperback Condition Brand New Language English This introduction to data structures using the C programming language emphasizes problem specification and program design, analysis, testing, verification, and program correctness. The book combines the careful development of the fundamental ideas with their stepwise refinement into complete
Data Structures and Program Design in C.Robert L. Kruse, Bruce P. Leung, Clovis L. Tondo (Hardcover, 1991)
Data Structures and Program Design In C Textbook