Media Composer 6: Part 1 - Editing Essentials (Avid Learning)
MEDIA COMPOSER 6: PART 1-EDITING ESSENTIALS is the first step in achieving confidence, creativity, and efficiency with Avid Media Composer 6, the non-linear film/video editing application used in most movie and television productions. Get and download textbook Media Composer 6: Part 1 - Editing Essentials (Avid Learning) for free
author david east format mixed media product language english publication year 27 04 2012 subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming payment shipping rates returns media composer 6 professional effects and compositing avid learning product category books isbn 1133590462 title media composer 6 professional effects and compositing avid learning ean 9781133590460 authors east david binding paperback publisher delmar cengage learning publication date 2012 04 27 pages 500 signe
Along with its counterpart, MEDIA COMPOSER 6: PART 2-EFFECTS ESSENTIALS, this book provides the foundation for Media Composer User Certification through an Avid Learning Partner. This book leads you through the interface and basic editing techniques before moving on to trimming, fine-tuning the edit, adjusting audio, handling multi camera editing, adding transitions, adding titles, and outputting your finished project. The training is hands-on and features project-based lessons in which you work on real-world projects Media Composer 6 new edition
Download free books for Media Composer 6: Part 1 - Editing Essentials
MEDIA COMPOSER 6: PART 1-EDITING ESSENTIALS is the first step in achieving confidence, creativity, and efficiency with Avid Media Composer 6, the non-linear film/video editing application used in most movie and television productions. Along with its counterpart, MEDIA COMPOSER 6: PART 2-EFFECTS ESSENTIALS, this book provides the foundation for Media Composer User Certification through an Avid Learning Partner. This book leads you through the interface and basic editing techniques before moving on to trimming, fine-tuning the edit, adjusting audio, handling multi camera editing, adding transiti
Media Composer 6: Part 1 - Editing Essentials
author dion scoppettuolo format mixed media product language english publication year 19 03 2012 subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming title media composer 6 effects essentials author scoppettuolo dion publisher course technology ptr publication date mar 05 2012 pages 283 binding paperback edition paperback dvd dimensions 7 50 wx 9 25 hx 1 00 d isbn 1133788882 subject photography techniques digital see also computers computer graphics image processing description pr
Media Composer 6
Media Composer 6 Textbook
Along with its counterpart, MEDIA COMPOSER 6: PART 2-EFFECTS ESSENTIALS, this book provides the foundation for Media Composer User Certification through an Avid Learning Partner
The training is hands-on and features project-based lessons in which you work on real-world projects