Learning to Program with MATLAB: Building GUI Tools
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John Wiley Sons Inc 9780470936443 Learning to Program With Matlab By Lent, Craig S. Description Author Craig Lents 1st edition of Learning to Program with MATLAB: Building GUI Tools teaches the core concepts of computer programming, such as arrays, loops, function, basic data structures, etc., using MATLAB. The text has a focus on the fundamentals of programming and builds up to an emphasis on GUI tools, covering text-based programs first, then programs that produce graphics. This creates a vis
Learning to Program with MATLAB new edition
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"Author Craig Lent's 1st edition of Learning to Program with MATLAB: Building GUI Tools teaches the core concepts of computer programming, such as arrays, loops, function, basic data structures, etc., using MATLAB. The text has a focus on the fundamentals of programming and builds up to an emphasis on GUI tools, covering text-based programs first, then programs that produce graphics. This creates a visual expression of the underlying mathematics of a problem or design. Brief and to-the-point, the text includes material that can be converted with supplementary reference material designed to ent
Author Craig Lents 1 st edition of Learning to Program with MATLAB: Building GUI Tools teaches the core concepts of computer programming, such as arrays, loops, function, basic data structures, etc., using MATLAB. The text has a focus on the fundamentals of programming and builds up to an emphasis on GUI tools, covering text-based programs first, then programs that produce graphics. This creates a visual expression of the underlying mathematics of a problem or design. Brief and to-the-point, the text includes material that can be converted with supplementary reference material designed to enti
Author Craig Lents 1st edition of Learning to Program with MATLAB: Building GUI Tools teaches the core concepts of computer programming, such as arrays, loops, function, basic data structures, etc., using MATLAB. The text has a focus on the fundamentals of programming and builds up to an emphasis on GUI tools, covering text-based programs first, then programs that produce graphics. This creates a visual expression of the underlying mathematics of a problem or design. Brief and to-the-point, the text includes material that can be converted with supplementary reference material designed to entic
author craig s lent format paperback language english publication year 19 02 2013 subject computing it subject 2 software packages title learning to program with matlab building gui tools author lent craig s publisher john wiley sons inc publication date jan 15 2013 pages 432 binding paperback edition pap psc dimensions 0 46 wx 9 11 hx 7 52 d isbn 0470936444 subject computers general description author craig lent s 1 st edition of learning to program with matlab building gui tools teaches the
Learning to Program with MATLAB Textbook