Parallel Computer Organization and Design
Teaching fundamental design concepts and the challenges of emerging technology, this textbook prepares students for a career designing the computer systems of the future. Get and download textbook Parallel Computer Organization and Design for free
author michel dubois author murali annavaram author per stenstrom format hardback language english publication year 30 08 2012 subject computing it subject 2 computing textbooks study guides parallel computer organization and design by michel dubois murali annavaram per stenstr m published by cambridge university press not quite what you re looking for see more books in other free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see books in arts design and entertainment business and commerc
In-depth coverage of complexity, power, reliability and performance, coupled with treatment of parallelism at all levels, including ILP and TLP, provides the state-of-the-art training that students need. The whole gamut of parallel architecture design options is explained, from core microarchitecture to chip multiprocessors to large-scale multiprocessor systems. All the chapters are self-contained, yet concise enough that the material can be taught in a single semester, making it perfect for use in senior undergraduate and graduate computer architecture courses. The book is Parallel Computer Organization and Design new edition
Download free books for Murali Annavaram, Michel Dubois, Per Stenstrom: Parallel Computer Organization and Design
Cambridge University Press | 2012 | 700 pages | ISBN-13: 9780521886758 | ISBN-10: 0521886759 | You save 15%
Teaching fundamental design concepts and the challenges of emerging technology, this textbook prepares students for a career designing the computer systems of the future. In-depth coverage of complexity, power, reliability and performance, coupled with treatment of parallelism at all levels, including ilp and tlp, provides the state-of-the-art training that students need. The whole gamut of parallel architecture design options is explained, from core microarchitecture to chip multiprocessors to large-scale multiprocessor systems. All the chapters are self-contained, yet concise enough that the
Teaching fundamental design concepts and the challenges of emerging technology, this textbook prepares students for a career designing the computer systems of the future. In-depth coverage of complexity,
Contributors: Michel Dubois - Author. Format: Hardcover
Parallel Computer Organization and Design Textbook
The book is