Social Media for Veterinary Professionals
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From creating an online community, to managing your veterinary practice's brand and reputation, this book will teach the veterinary professional the value of social media in today's world. Take your practice and career to the next level by bonding with your clients beyond the exam room.
Social Media for Veterinary Professionals new edition
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Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Social Media for Veterinary Professionals by Cvpm Cvj Brenda Tassava Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Details ISBN 0557713781 ISBN-13 9780557713783 Title Social Media for Veterinary Professionals Author Cvpm Cvj Brenda Tassava Format Paperback Pages 102 Publisher Dimensions 9 in. x 0.2 in. x 6 in. About Us Grand Eagle Retail is the ideal place for all your reading and entertainment needs! With fast shi
From creating an online community, to managing your veterinary practice''s brand and reputation, this book will teach the veterinary professional the value of social media in today''s world. Take your practice and career to the next level by bonding with your clients beyond the exam room.
Social Media for Veterinary Professionals, ISBN-13: 9780557713783, ISBN-10: 0557713781
Seller's Item Description: Title: Social Media for Veterinary Professionals Author: Tassava, Cvpm Cvj Brenda ISBN: 9780557713783 Format: Paperback Condition: Brand New Publisher: Comments: Visit Bargain Book Stores for more great deals! 100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed: We work hard to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. If you're having a problem with your order, we want to know about it and fix it to your satisfaction. Please allow us to resolve your issue before you leave feedba
Social Media for Veterinary Professionals Textbook