Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Unity Connection: A Step-by-Step Guide (2nd Edition) (Networking Technology: IP Communications)
The definitive, up-to-date guide to planning, configuring, and administering Cisco call processing and voice messaging. Get and download textbook Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Unity Connection: A Step-by-Step Guide (2nd Edition) (Networking Technology: IP Communications) for free
New Paperback.
This book brings together all the hands-on knowledge you need to successfully configure and administer Cisco's flagship IP voice systems, including Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM), Unity, and Unity Connection. Fully updated for the new CUCM, Unity, and Unity Connection, version 8, it presents step-by-step procedures for every common and complex task that installers, integrators, and administrators will encounter. A Long-time Cisco voice implementer and instructor David Bateman begins with clear, well-organized explanations of Cisco Voice over IP technology, including its key functions and devices. Next, he guide Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Unity Connection: A Step-by-Step Guide (2nd Edition) (Networking Technology new edition
Download free books for Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Unity Connection: A Step-By-Step Guide
The definitive, up-to-date guide to planning, configuring, and administering Cisco call processing and voice messaging.This book brings together all the hands-on knowledge you need to successfully configure and administer Cisco's flagship IP voice systems, including Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM), Unity, and Unity Connection. Fully updated for the new CUCM, Unity, and Unity Connection, version 8, it presents step-by-step procedures for every common and complex task that installers, integrators, and administrators will encounter. Long-time Cisco voice implementer and instructor Dav
Categories: Computer Networks * General. Contributors: David Bateman - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Computer Networks * General. Contributors: David Bateman - Author. Format: Paperback
Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Unity Connection: A Step-by-Step Guide (2nd Edition) (Networking Technology Textbook
Next, he guide