Mobile and Wireless Design Essentials
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author martyn mallick format paperback language english publication year 22 04 2003 subject engineering technology subject 2 technology general reference title mobile and wireless design essentials author martyn mallick publisher john wiley sons inc publication date apr 22 2003 pages 480 binding paperback edition 1 st dimensions 7 75 wx 9 00 hx 1 00 d isbn 0471214191 subject technology engineering electrical description mallick a software engineer in the private sector provides a detailed anal
Mobile and Wireless Design Essentials new edition
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Mobile and Wireless Design Essentials: Martyn Mallick
Mobile and Wireless Design Essentials, ISBN-13: 9780471214199, ISBN-10: 0471214191
Mobile and Wireless Design Essentials
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Mobile and Wireless Design Essentials Textbook