Tuesday, 16 April 2013

iMovie 2 Textbook

iMovie 2

iMovie 2: The Missing Manual

When it created iMovie in 1999, Apple Computer made digital video editing almost as easy as using a word processor--and even less expensive. Get and download textbook iMovie 2: The Missing Manual for free
Categories: iMovie. Contributors: Todd Stauffer - Author. Format: Paperback
Built into most modern Macintosh models is the circuitry needed to record pro-quality video from a digital camcorder, and then send the edited movies back to TV or tape with zero picture-quality loss.Now Apple takes the revolution to the next level with the dramatically enhanced iMovie 2.0. The new software adds the option of inserting new video over a continuous audio track; removes limitations on the number of raw clips from which to choose scenes; and offers bonuses such as special effects and brightness and contrast adjustments, much greater typographical flexibility in its title- and credit-maker, iMovie 2 new edition

Download free books for iMovie 2: The Missing Manual ISBN:0596001045

[ Ships Daily ] Condition: Good[ Underlining/Highlighting: NONE ] [ Writing: NONE ] iMovie 2: The Missing Manual By David Pogue ISBN: 0596001045 Edition:first Publisher: Pogue Press Pub Date: 1/15/2001 Binding: Paperback Pages: 402

Categories: iMovie. Contributors: Kevin Harreld - Author. Format: Paperback

iMovie 2: The Missing Manual is an entertaining guide that not only takes readers through every step of iMovie video production, from choosing and using a digital camcorder to burning the finished work onto CDs, but also covers in depth the many new features in Version 2. Far deeper and more detailed than the meager set of online help screens that come with iMovie 2, the book helps users realize the software's potential as a breakthrough in reducing the cost, complexity, and difficulty of desktop video production. Author: Pogue, David ISBN-10: 0596001045

Complete Idiot's Guide to Imovie 2, ISBN-13: 9780789724779, ISBN-10: 0789724774

iMovie 2 Textbook

The new software adds the option of inserting new video over a continuous audio track; removes limitations on the number of raw clips from which to choose scenes; and offers bonuses such as special effects and brightness and contrast adjustments, much greater typographical flexibility in its title- and credit-maker,

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