The New School of Information Security
"It is about time that a book like The New School came along. Get and download textbook The New School of Information Security for free
The New School of Information Security, ISBN-13: 9780321814906, ISBN-10: 0321814908
The age of security as pure technology is long past, and modern practitioners need to understand the social and cognitive aspects of security if they are to be successful. Shostack and Stewart teach readers exactly what they need to know--I just wish I could have had it when I first started out." --David Mortman, CSO-in-Residence Echelon One, former CSO Siebel Systems A Why is information security so dysfunctional? Are you wasting the money you spend on security? This book shows how to spend it more effectively. How can you make more effective security decisions? This book explains why professionals have taken to studying economics, not cryptography--and why you should, The New School of Information Security new edition
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The New School of Information Security: Adam Shostack, Andrew Stewart
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This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version."It is about time that a book like The New School came along. The
The New School of Information Security Textbook
How can you make more effective security decisions? This book explains why professionals have taken to studying economics, not cryptography--and why you should,