Windows Phone 7 for iPhone Developers (Developer's Library)
Bring Your iPhone Apps and Skills to Windows Phone 7-or Build Apps for Both Mobile Platforms at Once A If you've been developing for the competitive iPhone marketplace, this book will help you leverage your iOS skills on a fast-growing new platform: Windows Phone 7 (WP7). Get and download textbook Windows Phone 7 for iPhone Developers (Developer's Library) for free
Categories: iPhone->Application development, Windows Phone 7->Application development, iPhone->Application development. Contributors: Kevin Hoffman - Author. Format: Paperback
If you're a .NET programmer, it will help you build advanced WP7 mobile solutions that reflect valuable lessons learned by iOS developers. If you're a mobile development manager, it offers indispensable insights for planning cross-platform projects. A Kevin Hoffman guides you through the entire WP7 Software Development Kit (SDK), showing how it resembles Apple's iOS SDK, where it differs, and how to build production-quality WP7 apps that sell. Step by step Windows Phone 7 for iPhone Developers new edition
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Categories: iPhone->Application development, Windows Phone 7->Application development, iPhone->Application development. Contributors: Kevin Hoffman - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: iPhone->Application development, Windows Phone 7->Application development. Contributors: Kevin Hoffman - Author. Format: NOOK Book
Categories: iPhone->Application development, Windows Phone 7->Application development, iPhone->Application development. Contributors: Kevin Hoffman - Author. Format: Paperback
payment | shipping rates | returns We accept only PayPal for eBay orders Windows Phone 7 for iPhone Developers (Developer's Library) BookBuyers SKU: mon0000749499 Product Category :Books ISBN :0672334348 Title :Windows Phone 7 for iPhone Developers (Developer's Library)EAN :9780672334344 Authors :Kevin Hoffman Binding :Paperback Publisher :Addison-Wesley Professional Publication Date :2011-08-10 Pages :336 Signed :False First Edition :False Dust Jacket :False List Price (MSRP) :39.99 Height :0.
Windows Phone 7 for iPhone Developers Textbook
If you're a .NET programmer, it will help you build advanced WP7 mobile solutions that reflect valuable lessons learned by iOS developers. If you're a mobile development manager, it offers indispensable insights for planning cross-platform projects. A Kevin Hoffman guides you through the entire WP7 Software Development Kit (SDK), showing how it resembles Apple's iOS SDK, where it differs, and how to build production-quality WP7 apps that sell
f you're a .NET programmer, it will help you build advanced WP7 mobile solutions that reflect valuable lessons learned by iOS developers. If you're a mobile development manager, it offers indispensable insights for planning cross-platform projects. A Kevin Hoffman guides you through the entire WP7 Software Development Kit (SDK), showing how it resembles Apple's iOS SDK, where it differs, and how to build production-quality WP7 apps that sell. Step by step