Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Information Dashboard Design Textbook

Information Dashboard Design

Information Dashboard Design: The Effective Visual Communication of Data

Dashboards have become popular in recent years as uniquely powerful tools for communicating important information at a glance. Get and download textbook Information Dashboard Design: The Effective Visual Communication of Data for free
Information Dashboard Design The Effective Visual Communication Of Data, ISBN-13: 9780596100162, ISBN-10: 0596100167
Although dashboards are potentially powerful, this potential is rarely realized. The greatest display technology in the world won't solve this if you fail to use effective visual design. And if a dashboard fails to tell you precisely what you need to know in an instant, you'll never use it, even if it's filled with cute gauges, meters, and traffic lights. Don't let your investment in dashboard technology go to waste. This book will teach you the visual design skills you need to create dashboards that communicate clearly, rapidly, and compellingly. Information Dashboard Design will explain how to: Avoid the Information Dashboard Design new edition

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Information Dashboard Design: The Effective Visual Communication of Data: Stephen Few

For sale is Information Dashboard Design by Few Stephen Few.This book was published in 2006. Save big by buying from our massive store of steeply discounted books and textbooks. This book is in good condition. Use the search box above to find more textbooks as we carry most books used by all colleges and high schools.About For more than ten years we have been selling steeply discounted books and textbooks online. We keep things simple as you can probably tell. We specialize in saving students and professionals lots of cash on overpriced textbooks. Over the years we h

Dashboards have become popular in recent years as uniquely powerful tools for communicating important information at a glance. Although dashboards are potentially powerful, this potential is rarely realized. The greatest display technology in the world won't solve this if you fail to use effective visual design. And, if a dashboard fails to tell you precisely what you need to know in an instant, you'll never use it, even if it's filled with cute gauges, meters, and traffic lights. Don't let your investment in dashboard technology go to waste. This book will teach you the visual design skills y

A leader in the field of data visualization, Stephen Few exposes the common problems in dashboard design and describes its best practices in great detail and with a multitude of examples in this updated second edition. According to the author, dashboards have become a popular means to present critical information at a glance, yet few do so effectively. He purports that when designed well, dashboards engage the power of visual perception to communicate a dense collection of information efficiently and with exceptional clarity and that visual design skills that address the unique challenges of d

Information Dashboard Design Textbook

Although dashboards are potentially powerful, this potential is rarely realized. The greatest display technology in the world won't solve this if you fail to use effective visual design. And if a dashboard fails to tell you precisely what you need to know in an instant, you'll never use it, even if it's filled with cute gauges, meters, and traffic lights. Don't let your investment in dashboard technology go to waste
Information Dashboard Design will explain how to: Avoid the

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