C++ Network Programming, Volume 2: Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks
Do you need to develop flexible software that can be customized quickly? Do you need to add the power and efficiency of frameworks to your software? The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE) is an open-source toolkit for building high-performance networked applications and next-generation middleware. Get and download textbook C++ Network Programming, Volume 2: Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks for free
"ISBN 9780201795257; 100% Brand NEW; Douglas C. Schmidt, Stephen D. Huston Addison-Wesley Professional; C++ Network Programming, Volume 2: Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks, 1st Edition"
ACE's power and flexibility arise from object-oriented frameworks, used to achieve the systematic reuse of networked application software. ACE frameworks handle common network programming tasks and can be customized using C++ language features to produce complete distributed applications. C++ Network Programming, Volume 2, focuses on ACE frameworks, providing thorough coverage of the concepts, patterns, and usage rules that form C++ Network Programming, Volume 2 new edition
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C++ Network Programming, Volume 2: Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks: Douglas C. Schmidt, Stephen D. Huston
"ISBN 9780201795257; 100% Brand NEW; Douglas C. Schmidt, Stephen D. Huston Addison-Wesley Professional; C++ Network Programming, Volume 2: Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks, 1st Edition"
Buy C++ Network Programming, Volume 2: Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks by Douglas C. Schmidt,Stephen D. Huston and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Do you need to develop flexible software that can be customized quickly? Do you need to add the power and efficiency of frameworks to your software? The adaptive Communication Environment (ace) is an open-source toolkit for building high-performance networked applications and next-generation middleware. ace's power and flexibility arise from object-oriented frameworks, used to achieve the systematic reuse of networked application software. ace frameworks handle common network programming tasks and can be customized using C++ language features to produce complete distributed applications.
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C++ Network Programming, Volume 2 Textbook
ACE's power and flexibility arise from object-oriented frameworks, used to achieve the systematic reuse of networked application software
C++ Network Programming, Volume 2, focuses on ACE frameworks, providing thorough coverage of the concepts, patterns, and usage rules that form