Getting Started with RepRap: 3D Printing on Your Desktop
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Getting Started with Reprap: 3D Printing on Your Desktop
Getting Started with RepRap new edition
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This book provides an overview of RepRap, the 3D printer that's the basis of nearly every inexpensive 3D printer on the market. You'll learn what it can do, how to model objects, and how to print the best parts possible. This book is not a tutorial for building RepRap because it is such a fast-moving target that no book could possibly provide that. Instead, it teaches you what you need to know before you obtain a RepRap and what you need to know to get the most out of it.
Getting Started with RepRap
Contributors: Josef Prusa - Author. Format: Paperback
Get started printing out 3D objects quickly and inexpensively! 3D printing is no longer just figment of your imagination. This remarkable technology is coming to the masses with the growing availability of 3D printers. 3D printers create 3-dimentional layered models and they allow users to create prototypes that use multiple materials and colors. This friendly-but-straightforward guide examines each type of 3D printing technology available today and gives artists, entrepreneurs, engineers, and hobbyists insight into the amazing things 3D printing has to offer. Youll discover methods for the cr
Getting Started with RepRap Textbook