Modeling and Simulating Command and Control: For Organizations Under Extreme Situations (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
Commanding and controlling organizations in extreme situations is a challenging task in military, intelligence, and disaster management. Get and download textbook Modeling and Simulating Command and Control: For Organizations Under Extreme Situations (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science) for free
author il chul moon author kathleen m carley author tag gon kim format paperback language english publication year 03 04 2013 series springerbriefs in computer science subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming modeling and simulating command and control for organizations under extreme situations springerbriefs in computer science ilchul moon title 9781447150367 modeling and simulating command and control for organizations un isbn 10 1447150368 isbn 13 9781447150367 author
Such command and control must be quick, effective, and considerate when dealing with the changing, complex, and risky conditions of the situation. To enable optimal command and control under extremes, robust structures and efficient operations are required of organizations. This work discusses how to design and conduct virtual experiments on resilient organizational structures and operational practices using modeling and simulation. The work illustrates key aspects of robustly networked organizations and modeled performance of human decision-makers through examples of naval-air defense, counterterrorism operations, Modeling and Simulating Command and Control new edition
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Commanding and controlling organizations in extreme situations is a challenging task in military, intelligence, and disaster management. Such command and control must be quick, effective, and considerate when dealing with the changing, complex, and risky conditions of the situation. To enable optimal command and control under extremes, robust structures and efficient operations are required of organizations. This work discusses how to design and conduct virtual experiments on resilient organizational structures and operational practices using modeling and simulation. The work illustrates key a
Springer-Verlag New York Inc 9781447150367 Modeling and Simulating Command and Control By Moon, Il-chul/ Carley, Kathleen M./ Kim, Tag Gon Description *Author: Moon, Il-chul/ Carley, Kathleen M./ Kim, Tag Gon *Series Title: Springer Briefs in Computer Science *Subtitle: For Organizations Under Extreme Situations *Publication Date: 2013/03/19 *Number of Pages: 87 *Binding Type: Paperback *Language: English *Depth: 0.25 *Width: 6.00 *Height: 9.00 SKU: UBM9781447150367 Payment We accept payment vi
Commanding and controlling organizations in extreme situations is a challenging task in military, intelligence, and disaster management. Such command and control must be quick, effective, and considerate when dealing with the changing, complex, and risky conditions of the situation. To enable optimal command and control under extremes, robust structures and efficient operations are required of organizations. This work discusses how to design and conduct virtual experiments on resilient organizational structures and operational practices using modeling and simulation. The work illustrates key a
Commanding and controlling organizations in extreme situations is a challenging task in military, intelligence, and disaster management. Such command and control must be quick, effective, and considerate when dealing with the changing, complex, and risky conditions of the situation. To enable optimal command and control under extremes, robust structures and efficient operations are required of organizations. This work discusses how to design and conduct virtual experiments on resilient organizational structures and operational practices using modeling and simulation. The work illustrates key a
Modeling and Simulating Command and Control Textbook
The work illustrates key aspects of robustly networked organizations and modeled performance of human decision-makers through examples of naval-air defense, counterterrorism operations,