Knowledge Management: Systems and Processes
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World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd | 2012 | 250 pages | ISBN-13: 9789814271226 | ISBN-10: 9814271225 | You save 15%
Knowledge Management new edition
Download free books for Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories
Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories presents models, methods, and techniques for building, managing and using corporate memories. These models incorporate knowledge bases, ontologies, documents, FAQs, workflow systems, case-based reasoning systems, multi-agent systems, and CSCW. The book is divided into five parts: methods; knowledge-based approaches; ontologies and documents; case-based reasoning approaches; and distributed and collaborative approaches.
Knowledge Management Excellence: The Art of Excelling in Knowledge Management. Knowledge Management Excellence offers clear and thorough explanations of the critical tools for creating organizational excellence.
Categories: Knowledge management. Contributors: Huotari - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Knowledge management, Application software->Development, Knowledge management. Contributors: Alessandro Zanasi - Editor. Format: Paperback
Knowledge Management Textbook