Picture Perfect Practice: A Self-Training Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Taking World-Class Photographs (Voices That Matter)
Foreword by Skip Cohen
Translating the chaos of the real world into a breathtakingly simple, beautiful photograph can often seem like an impossible task. Get and download textbook Picture Perfect Practice: A Self-Training Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Taking World-Class Photographs (Voices That Matter) for free
Picture Perfect Practice
With busy, cluttered backgrounds and subjects who don't know how to pose, how can you take control and get a great shot no matter the situation? In Picture Perfect Practice, photographer Roberto Valenzuela breaks down the craft of photography into three key elements-locations, poses, and execution-that you can use to unlock the photographic opportunities lying beneath every challenging situation.
Valenzuela stresses the need for photographers to actively practice their craft every day-just like you would practice a musical instrument-in order to master the art Picture Perfect Practice new edition
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author roberto valenzuela format paperback language english publication year 15 02 2012 subject the arts subject 2 photography themonsterbookshop co uk in titles description add my store to your favorites and receive my email newsletters about new items and special promotions general interest picture perfect practice a self training guide to mastering the challenges of taking world class photographs voices that matter item details title picture perfect practice a self training guide to mastering
Picture Perfect Practice : A Self-Training Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Taking World-Class Photographs, ISBN-13: 9780321803535, ISBN-10: 0321803531
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Picture Perfect Practice Textbook
Valenzuela stresses the need for photographers to actively practice their craft every day-just like you would practice a musical instrument-in order to master the art